Friday, May 14, 2010

4 teenagers!

It is official...we are now the parents of FOUR teenagers. On Sunday Logan turned the big 13! He requested an oreo cream pie for the occasion. Of course turning 13 also means he got a bb gun...yeah, we're kind of old fashioned and made him wait till he was 13 to get one. Of course I'm thinking that we may not have waited long enough because right after he was done opening it I had to go down by the lake and I hear something hit the water about 5 feet from me...yep, a bb.

I don't know if I'm ready for this.

Nothing happening on my new backdrops so far. They are just laying in a pile in the yard. My husband got called back to work and did 10 hour days all week last week. However, it's supposed to be for only a week and then back off so hopefully sometime this next week?


  1. Sounds like the boy needs some target practice or sights adjusted. 5 feet is an awful bad miss...........

  2. Maybe he needs glasses, or maybe Rachel has lost a lot of weight and turned sideways so he couldn't see her.

  3. lets go w/the lost weight theory...NOT.
