Monday, July 12, 2010

ugliest subject EVER!!!!

Okay, so maybe my husband is a teeny bit redneck...I admit it. I guess the fact that his mamma is from West Virginia would qualify him as such, and that we sometimes sit out on our porch swing and he always has a shotgun within reach may prove it.

We'll be sitting on the swing in the middle of a nice conversation and he'll jump up, grab his gun and shoot some unfortunate critter that happens to swim by in the lake. Most of the time it's a water snake, or the hated muskrat, but Friday it was a snapper he's been seeing and missing for the past couple of weeks.

For years we haven't seen any snappers in the lake because he had pretty much wiped them out but Friday a huge one swam by and he took a shot at it, and it sunk. He was pretty sure he hit it and sure enough, Sunday morning we are just sitting down on the swing and he looks down at our beach and this monster had washed up.

Pretty disgusting isn't it? I'm just glad it's dead and out of the lake, however, I am not so glad that it is now in my freezer to preserve it for the gross!


  1. David is not that ugly, you shouldnt be so hard on a middle aged man. Just get him to smile and his pics will look alot better... BTW, nice looking cool turtle!

  2. WOW!!! THAT IS A CRAZY BIG TURTLE! its so cool your going to have it stuffed! neat.

  3. haha i missed all the action :P o well. biggest turtle ive ever seen!

  4. What a shot, right through the forhead. I agree with Nate, David's is actually not bad looking you really shouldn't call him your ugliest subject.

  5. Nice shot David! Reminds me of myself when I kept a .22 at the back door to shoot the squirrels in the yard...when I live in town!
    Are you gonna eat it?

  6. alright you guys quit picking on my know it's the fact that he's so cute that makes the turtle even uglier:)
