Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jessica's 16!!!!

I know I haven't been keeping up the blog but today is a special day so I'd better write something. Today is my lovely daughter, Jessica's 16th birthday! She's still got about 20 practice hours to go before she can get her license and she can't wait.

Been very busy w/lots of seniors these past couple of weeks. Made 2 trips out to Brimfield High in the past 5 days because they are tearing the old school down to make way for the new one so some of the seniors wanted a few pics there.

Saturday we had a beautiful day to take Hannah & Ben's wedding pictures. This was the family of 70. My assistant, Kinga helped me and things went pretty smoothly, we got some truly great shots. They are being edited by Jenny but as soon as they're done I will post a couple.

So this past week I had sessions everyday and a wedding on Saturday...a little stressful, but that's fall for a photographer:)

We also have 6 baby kittens that were born on saturday so those of you who are looking for a cute free pet, call me in a couple of weeks so you can pick out your favorite. If we have any left we will be giving away a free kitten w/every sitting (my husband's idea:). I'll try to get a few shots of them also to put on my blog.


  1. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for those edited pics of that family of 70 you have been talking about so much.

    I will also be on the edge of my seat and driving with both eyes wide open now every time I drive near hanna city! Lookout pedestrians, deers, and that big dam hill heading up to the Sauders house- Crazy redhead teenage driver is soon to be turned loose......boy do I feel sorry for that first car

  2. Studies show that petting a kitten calms anxious people down....

    and after i tell jess what you said about her driving, you may be even more anxious...'cause the next time you see her you'll be dealing w/an insulted redhead...good luck w/THAT.

  3. There is NOTHING wrong with redheads! We told our boys over and over don't tease the redhead, it just makes them mean when they grow up, just ask Amy. Hope Jessica had a lovely birthday
