Friday, October 1, 2010

but how do you see the pics???

Caleb is a senior this year and taking photography, which he isn't real excited about but his sister is absolutely thrilled! Jessica truly loves the art of photography, Caleb on the other hand was just looking for an elective class to fill a time slot.

He came home w/his film camera and first assignment of shooting 25 lanscapes. Jessica was so excited she asked if she could do it and of course he handed the camera right over w/out even blinking.

So off she went to shoot some landscapes, only to return and ask me "mom, how do I see the pictures?" I explained that it wasn't digital so you have to get the film developed. Then she says, "but mom, then how do you edit them then?" She just couldn't understand this whole "take a picture and NOT see it immediately" thing. She just couldn't wrap her mind around it.

The world of photography has changed so dramatically over the last 10-15 years. It makes me wonder what it will be like in another 10?

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