Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So I promised a few people that as soon as our kittens were almost ready to go I'd post a few pics. These guys aren't really old enough to leave their momma yet but should be by Thanksgiving weekend.

This first one is a boy, he has 4 little white mittens and a white spot on his chest.

This is a girl, she actually had a little accident and used up 1 of her 9 lives...we weren't sure if she was going to make it, but w/a little tlc she's doing really well. She also has mittens and a interesting white mark on her nose.

This next one is also a girl and she has her mittens on too. I guess they're dressed for winter:)

This is a all grey tabby kitten w/no white markings, she is also a girl.

This kitten resembles his mom the most with his markings, except she's black instead of tabby. This is a boy.

And this little peanut is the runt. She is a girl and was born tiny and has stayed that way. We actually started giving her kitten replacement milk to help her grow and believe it or not, she has! She's very fiesty and has a huge appetite! When we call them, she's the first to come running.

Just to show you the difference in size....crazy!

Anyway, that's the litter so if you are interested in giving one of these cuties a home give me a call or let me know which one under "comments". I will be updating in the comments which kittens are spoken for.


  1. we could give it one more try?
    this one will stay inside for sure!!

    oh yea, i was just waiting for a comment from you on the jeans :)

  2. I told Shaeya that we had one waiting for her....which one do you want?

  3. kitten #3 (the little girl w/mittens) and peanut are both taken! They are going to the same home so peanut won't get lonely:)

  4. I will take them all. They arent for my family. I hate cats, but I could use some kittens.......

  5. sorry nate...these are to good homes don't qualify.

  6. the second kitty now has a home too.

  7. the suspense is killing me.....which kitten still needs a home? come on people did you see how cute those pics were.......this is a limited time offer here........act now for free shipping and handling.......but wait if you order in the next 5 minutes the sauders will throw in a free duck or something, just pay seperate shipping and handling.......

  8. Actually the little grey female #4 also is spoken for now so we only have 2 little boys left. Kitten #1 & #5 are still available and we could throw in a free duck however, we will not ship them, we request that you come and pick them up:)
