Wednesday, January 5, 2011

nights and days

Break is over and the kids are back in school, but for awhile there it was like they were babies again...babies w/their nights and days mixed up!

Just about every time we'd bring home one of our brand new precious tiny babies from the hospital, for about the first week they'd sleep all day and want to eat all night. The past couple weeks it was like that again, only they're not so tiny anymore, but they still want to eat all night. Every night the kids went to bed later and later and got up the next day later and later. I remember when our kids could barely stay up till midnight on New Years....not a problem now.

We did have one case of stomach flu and I'm really hoping it stays that way. Of course that kid was sleeping up in a tree house bed way up high and couldn't get down the ladder to the bathroom so the clean up was extensive. Doing laundry at 3:00 a.m. is not my idea of fun.

Anyway, we are now getting back on the early bedtime, early wake up schedule and it's tough...but I like it way better.

This is officially my "slow" time and I'm not doing too much right now, just a few sessions. I am getting my tax stuff together and getting ready to file IL sales tax and then in a couple of weeks I'm going to start taking family pictures for my church's online directory. I think there is around 150 families so I think I'm just going to enjoy these next 2 weeks before it gets crazy around here again.


  1. Give to Illinois what is Caesar's or something like to love taxes eh? Just wait till you start making 250k per year and then you will really have fun paying taxes!
