First to arrive was Braelyn for her 1 month shots. The problem was that Braelyn's mom forgot to clear this w/her and she was not super happy about the whole thing. We started at noon and after an hour only got a few keepers. We decided to give her an hour break (because I had a 1:00 session do to) and then try again to see what we get.

Morgan showed up right on time for her outdoor session. The wind made for some really beautiful shots of this beautiful senior.

Then at 2:00 it was back to Braelyn, and she still wasn't thrilled but we managed to pull off a few nice shots. This girl just thought she was starving and wanted to eat, eat, eat. And w/a newborn, you just have to go w/it!

Then we had about an hour to dye some eggs, bake 2 pans of brownies for dessert that night, & make 2 pies for Easter dinner the next day before my next session @ 4:00. (I know this sounds ridiculous, but this is how saturday's are here!)
The last session of the day was my friend Kim and her family. Her mom was diagnosed w/cancer...the really bad kind, so when I heard, I really wanted to take some family pics for them. This is the one thing I feel that I can do for people when they get this kind of news. Her mom has the most positive attitude of anyone that I know. Yesterday was her first day of chemo so I've just been praying, and praying for her.

After their session we grilled some hamburgers and just enjoyed catching up.
On Sunday we were at my in-laws for Easter and we were walking around looking for mushrooms when Jess spotted some baby owls. It was another one of those times when I was wishing I just carried all my gear w/me where ever I go! I took a chance and went back on Monday morning w/a zoom and got a couple of shots of these guys. 2 baby great horned owls...first ones I've seen in the wild. This is the type of photography I would do full time if I could....I just love being in the woods & enjoying God's creation.

Unfortunately momma owls don't usually order any pictures of their babies so the pay stinks:)