Thursday, June 17, 2010

The big "REVEAL"!

I know you've all just been waiting and waiting to see our bathroom remodel. After much blood, sweat, & tears...(drum roll) HERE IT IS!

I'm actually pretty embarrassed to post the before awful! However, you can't see all the work we did w/out posting what it used to look like.

We are thrilled w/how it turned out and Jess and I have deemed it the "GIRLS" bathroom at our house. After pulling up the toilet and seeing the state of the subfloor I've decided that any boy who wants to use it can SIT DOWN!!!! (I've never understood who told them they should be standing up to begin with)

I was trying really hard to stay under $1000 but it came down to knowing that I will NOT be remodeling this room anytime soon so I did go a tiny bit over budget and got what I really wanted. I think we are in the $1200 range but if my tile goes on sale in the next 30 days I can get the sale price at Home Depot so I may end up w/in the budget after all.

So besides killing ourselves getting this remodel done we've been teaching fourth grade VBS at our church every night and I've had a few sittings here and there.

Trying to stay on top of it all has been a challenge and I'm ready to have my house back together. (I've been living w/a toilet laying on it's side in my bedroom for over a week and that was getting pretty old)

For Father's Day I'm taking my hubby to the windy city for a much needed break...w/out the Father's Day ever:)