Friday, December 10, 2010

It's always nice to get positive feedback:)

Below is a nice email I received from one of my clients:

Hi Rachel,

Just wanted to drop you an email to let you know how BEAUTIFUL the pictures turned out - we got them yesterday, just as expected. We have been spreading the word about you like crazy because everyone is nutty over how great the pictures are. Doing business with you was great and we can't wait to come get Preslee's 1 year pictures taken! Thank you again for everything.
Merry Christmas!
Ali and Robert

I think these guys drove an hour and a half one way to come get their beautiful little girl's pics taken.

Because everything is done online now I always miss out on my clients initial reactions when they first see their proofs so it's always nice to get a note from them letting me know that they love them!

Thanks for the note Ali, I really appreciated guys are awesome and Preslee's a doll!

My sister-in-law always puts together a calendar for her mom's christmas gift and it's filled w/pics of the grandkids. This year when she asked me to send pics to her I thought it'd be cool to make a collage of pics of each kid from stuff they did this past year and frame them....pretty soon I think I may run out of walls around here:)

So are my cute kids...
the lukemonster:

Lo was all about the fish this year...

Jess turned 16, she's girly but can still play some football w/the boys

Caleb is graduating early, I think he only has a week left in high school...

David is still big into music, the other day I think I saw an oboe in his car, don't know where THAT came from..

So anyway that's our kids and what they've been up to this past year, I know you were all wondering:)


  1. is that..wait, is that zach efron????

  2. And....huh! It can't be Justin Bieber right above him could it?

  3. How can your boys hear anything with all that hair covering their ears? Hey, at least they will stay warm this winter eh?

  4. Short hair, long hair, it doesn't really matter...all boys have selective hearing when it comes to their mom telling them what to do!
