Friday, April 2, 2010

Almost over

ugghh! I hate the end of's the worst! What really is frustrating is that I've spend the last 2 days dreading it....what a waste!

Yesterday David and I went out and tried fishing off the beach but there has been nothing biting here for weeks. One thing that was really interesting though was that about 100 or so sea birds were out over the water all flying around this one area and there was a pod of dolphins there too. There must have been a big school of bait fish because about 15-20 birds would all of a sudden dive all at once. I'd never seen them do that before.

We played some 3 on 3 vball and then in the afternoon we walked all the way to the pier and then some of us jogged back...I won't mention who (me and Caleb). I didn't know if I could still do's been so long but it really wasn't that hard.

Last night we had our traditional sea food dinner only the kids never caught any fish so it ended up a surf & turf dinner w/sirloins, shrimp, & crawfish.

This morning I got up and went out to take some pics of the sun coming up. Like a big ball of fire coming right out of the sea. God is so cool that He can do that. I brought my camera back to David, who was still in bed and told him I brought him the sunrise. It's almost the same seeing it on my camera screen...but not as sandy and cold or as big and beautiful.

We just got a call from my sis Karin and they are just pulling into town after driving all night. I told them to get over here for vball but they want to take a nap off all things! They said they'd be over later and then we might get some pizza tonight.

I'm putting up a pic of the birds diving and a couple that I took of Caleb and Jess last night right before the sun went down. That's my favorite time of day to take pics here because the light is amazing, especially on Jessica's hair, it looks like flames. Again, isn't God cool that He can do that? Jess had gotten this green dress at goodwill last fall for $7 and we thought it'd be fun to do some seaside pics w/it, I got lots of really neat ones but I'm only gonna post a few.


  1. that hair is amazing!!!
    and you know what's worse than the end of a vacation??
    not getting to go at all.
    glad you had fun.
    see ya soon :)

  2. We have been waiting for updates and you chose your next to the last day? Hope you, Karin, Kari, Tara, Jenny, Billy and all the kids have a great last time your last 2 days.

  3. michelle you should have come!
    Judy, I was on VACATION! We played vball w/karin and kari and it was really fun. I wish they could have come a little sooner!
