Thursday, April 29, 2010

Apparently I'm supposed to be blogging everyday....

Yeah right, I've been lucky to find time to check my email this week. The weather is cooperating and I have been all about my outdoor sessions these last few days. It feels good to be out running around here.

Tristen is 2 so of course he needed to come out and get some pics on his tractor and then I had Emily come out for her senior pics on Saturday. Then I got to go to Morton to take newborn pics of my new great nephew Asher at the beginning of the week, and yesterday Madeline, also 2, brought out her mom and dad and we had fun picking more dandelions and going for a walk. When we were all done I asked her if she had fun and she smiles up at me and says "Yup"....what a riot!!!

Now today I get to go take MORE newborn pics but this time of my new great niece Irelyn in Peoria. I'm so excited to finally meet her!

Then tomorrow my sister and I are taking 9 teenagers down to Greenville IL for Agapefest for the that about covers my week.

And THAT'S why I don't have time to blog everday:)

Hope you all had a blessed week!


  1. get up earlier, your public NEEDS to know what you are doing every day!

  2. go to be bed later and then all of your blog readers (both of us) can stay on the up and up.

  3. Nate, what are YOU doing up at 4:49AM? It wasn't blogging, I checked yours!
    Rachel, have a great trip this weekend, take lots of pictures.

  4. Making hay before, during, and after the sun shining. The month of May is the busiest month of the whole year.

    What about you at 5:55 am?
    Rachel didnt blog today??
    I wonder what she was up to???
    She really should blog everyday.

  5. I actually think her time is off on her blog, cause I posted that last comment at 9:40 pm and this one at 9:44 pm.

  6. She probably doesn't know she needs to set the time to central. That was one HUGE grass carp in your last blog. How much do you think it weighed? Pretty funny us using Rachel's blog to connect.

  7. 75 lbs for the grass carp. We shocked up 5 of those big boys. No worries about the blog communication. If Rachel isnt going to blog everyday apparently, at least we will stay connected.......I wonder what she's been up to today?

  8. Rachel took Karin and a bunch (10?) teenagers to Agape fest camping for the weekend, They borrowed Ruth's motor home but most of the guys were tent camping in the rain. ugh

  9. I suppose if Rachel isnt going to obviously be blogging everyday that we should keep all of her loyal readers (both of us and grandma) filled in.

    That sounds like quite an undertaking being in charge of Karin and a bunch of teenagers during a rainy weekend. We need to think of a good blot title for her for monday for when she gets back.

    "Ugh" or "Sleepless Weekend" or "Another Gray Hair" are probably some good candidates....

  10. "Or the old gray mare she aint what she used to be...."

  11. so glad that you 2 can use my blog for your ridiculous conversations......and more age joke and i may start commenting on hairlines on your blog...'nough said.

  12. I'm laughing out loud as I read this. So Nate, do you think Rachel has the patience to LOVE and care for all those teenagers in place of their parents? I know at least one parent that was so happy her daughter was able to spend quality time with her aunt instead of at home for the weekend.

  13. Now if we could just get grandma to comment. She is sure to have some insights on Rachel skipping church and taking all those kids with her.

  14. Rachel probably did real fine with patience for the first day of the weekend, but she isnt able to sleep anywhere but in her own home these days (may or may not have anything to do with her age and getting much older, etc, just a cranky camping observation).

    BTW Rachel, your attempt to hurt my feelings with the little hairlines humor was the inspiration to my recent blog post. I beat you to the punch on that one.

    Judy, Sarah is a good kid with enormous potential. I dont think spending a weekend with your crazy sisters though would be classified as a positive influential weekend aimed towards harnessing and directing that enormous potential.

    How do you think the last day of the trip went? I wonder if it really did rain much? If the motor home made it back safely, who Karin beat up, etc? Rachel really should be blogging every day...

  15. I heard from mom who heard from Karin that it was cold, rainy and LOUD. Yep, Rachel probably will need to sleep for a while. Then a bunch of kids all went to her place for volley ball Sunday afternoon. Just keeping everyone up on her activities as she isn't getting the job done!
    Loved the hair story on your blog Nate.

  16. Do you think Rachel is EVER going to post again?

  17. Rachel, you know they only tease the ones they love!
    See you next Monday to take pics of MY BEAUTIFUL Grand-babies (Jamies)
    Amy Koch

  18. NATE IS NO FUN TO TEASE...which is not fair because he lives and breathes teasing anyone and everyone....just ask his poor sisters.

    Amy got fed gasoline so much that i'm pretty sure they never had any left in the garage for their my question is, did he do it just to be mean to her, or he did he really hate mowing?

  19. hmmm, I remember Nate feeding Amy dishwashing soap from the church dishwasher one Sunday. I thought it was because they wanted to get out of helping serve.
    What else has Nate done?

  20. Precious memories, how they linger.......
