Thursday, April 15, 2010

of to wisconsin

Tomorrow Caleb, Jess, & I need to be up and off to Wisconsin by 5:00 a.m. for a vaulting show. Driving 10 hours in 2 days is not something I've been looking forward to at all. However, when Jess offered to do some of the driving suddenly me driving the 10 hours seemed to be no too bad. Having to sit in the passenger seat while a 15 year old is driving is way worse! Don't get me wrong, she's actually a pretty good driver but I just can't seem to relax while any of my kids are driving! I am at all times ready to grab the wheel to put us back on the road or trying to stomp on a brake that doesn't exist on my side...stressful!

Hopefully we get there w/out incident and the vaulters have a safe performance and if all goes well we should be back in town by Saturday night. Jessica & Caleb both have things going on here at home that they want to be back for. Sometimes these guys just wear me out!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica's DRIVING? Oh no, give us some warning, we will need to stay off the roads.
