Tuesday, April 20, 2010

relearning to juggle

The juggling act is in full swing here, between sittings, kids, life, etc. The thing is...I kind of got spoiled by the slower pace over the winter and it's not like 1 ball at a time, it's like 5-6 balls at a time and trying to keep them all in the air is quite the trick!

I am enjoying the individual sessions though. I got to take Alaina's pics this past week and she was an absolute angel. Just such a sweet little girl. Then I did my first NHS house of the year. Just the kitchen but really cool. Loved the window under the counters. I've got sessions Friday and Saturday of this week too.

My washer has officially died, not good w/5 kids. This is a washer that our wonderful neighbors gave us in exchange for 2 kittens...a funny story. Anyway so here we are w/no washer and no kittens to trade! I guess we'll be going to the real store tonight and picking out a new washer and paying w/real money.

Oh and I had the super bright idea of having a garage sale tomorrow at my nephew's house in Morton. 440 Delwood for anyone who'd care to come out and buy my stuff:)

I have some backdrops that I was tempted to bring to the sale but decided against it. I'm not sure what to do w/the drops I no longer use. They are 10x20 and taking up space in my storage room at my studio. I guess I need to have a photographers garage sale too! Anyone who is interested in these should contact me and let me know. I paid about $75-100 each for them but really would be happy to get $40 each.

I'm uploading the last of the Wisconsin horsefair on the site today. What these people can get their horses to do is really amazing. If you get a chance to check out the album under "online ordering" I think you'll see what I mean.


  1. the pictures ARE great.. I emailed the wisconsin vaulting team as well.
