Today Easter break is officially over. The kids are up and eating their breakfast and dreading going back. Logan just said he can't wait for summer. Only about 6 weeks left of school then they're home w/me all day long:) Actually I love it. Summer out here is so much fun. Way better than ice/snow/mud.
We spent most of yesterday just unpacking and getting organized and did some yard work because it was beautiful out. Oh yeah, and we got our Christmas lights down...finally!
Today I have about 60 kids orders in that need to be finished up and ready to be delivered to Headstart on Thursday. I've got pics from Gulf Shores that I need to get uploaded and edited. While we were there I took a wide angle lens w/me and got some new pics of my mom's condo for the rental agency's website. The ones they have on there now are not very good.
We also are going to be getting a load of mulch sometime today so I get to grab the kubota and sneak outside for some more work if it's nice out. I would always choose to work outside if it's possible. I just don't like being inside! I need to figure out a way to edit and fold laundry outside:)
I'm reading in John right now and I love these verses so I'll just type them out for anyone who needs encouragement.
John 14:1-4
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself: that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.Just about everyone believes in God, but so many times his son isn't mentioned when people talk about God. But Jesus says, you believe in God believe also in me because he's got a pretty important role. He came, showed us how to live and love, willingly let himself be nailed to a cross for wrongs that he didn't do, to pay for wrongs WE did, and then rose again and now he's up in heaven getting ready for us!
In this verse Jesus was saying goodbye to those he loved because he knew he was going to be put to death, and I know they didn't fully understand why he was leaving them all alone in this dark world. I'm sure they felt pretty abandoned at that time, but the verses about him going to prepare a place for us and that he's coming back for us encourage me so much today. I'm so looking forward to seeing him face to face!