Monday, October 26, 2009

Playing "Catch up"

Another rainy day. I don't like 'em but they are good for catching up all the book work that's been piling up around me. I was able to get a lot done today but I did have to reschedule my 2 sittings that were scheduled for this afternoon. It's just gross out, muddy & gray! Got lots of new orders put in and cds burnt and mailed out. I also got all of my Saturday & Sunday sittings sorted and started editing them.

I'm hoping tomorrow I will be able to get all of the editing done and new albums posted from the weekend.

In between all the paper work I also managed to keep the laundry going. Not folded and put away but at least clean:)

I love being organized but it's so hard to GET organized. Another couple of rainy days though and I should be the queen of organization....just don't look in my fridge, it's scary in there!

1 comment:

  1. rach- i love that you are keeping this up!
    so fun to hear about what goes on in your life in between girl's nights.
    ...and if you ever want to take a few kids off my hands so I can get organized be sure to let me know :)
